Open company in Estonia

Opening a company in Estonia is very profitable
Estonia is one of the most attractive investment platform among European countries.
The main argument for Estonia is that the state does not levy a tax on undistributed profits, which offers great opportunities for capital build-up and reinvestment, tax optimization, and business development in general.
If you will open company in Estonia, including one founded by non-residents, you may trade with partners and sell products in Europe without intermediaries, engage in cryptographic business, Blockchain, etc.
Compelling advantages offered by the Estonian company to entrepreneurs
- The reinvested profit tax is 0%. You get practically tax-free company in EU territory, with a strong reputation and convenient transparent legislation.
- The owner and director of the company may be non-residents of Estonia and the EU.
- Upon registration of a company it is not necessary to immediately contribute the registered capital, which for the local LLC (OÜ) amounts from 2500 Euro.
- You have the right to a business visa.
- No blacklist offshore, and therefore no additional taxation.
- The right to buy real estate for a company without additional taxes.
- More than 50 double taxation treaties.
- A minimum level of bureaucracy and a good attitude on the part of officials towards business.
- A digital infrastructure that allows companies to register, report, send queries and receive responses from public authorities via the Internet with minimal time (in most cases, e-residency is required).
- The honored status of the European Smithy of Startups and Digital Projects, many of which have reached the international level.
- Possibility to open a bank account in Estonia and in other European jurisdictions (more details below).
- Possibility not to pay VAT when working with European partners (if VAT-number).
- The ability to obtain a license to perform crypto-toxicity.
- Russian is common, plus almost everyone speaks English.
- Rapid registration of companies.
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